======================== Changes in version 0.9.3 ======================== The following changes were implemented in Fabric 0.9.3: Feature additions ================= * :issue:`255`: Added ``stderr`` and ``succeeded`` attributes to `~fabric.operations.local`. * :issue:`254`: Backported the ``.stderr`` and ``.succeeded`` attributes on `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo` return values, from the Git master/pre-1.0 branch. Please see those functions' API docs for details. Bugfixes ======== * :issue:`228`: We discovered that the pip + PyCrypto installation problem was limited to Python 2.5 only, and have updated our ``setup.py`` accordingly. * :issue:`230`: Arbitrary or remainder commands (``fab -- ``) will no longer blow up when invoked with no fabfile present. Thanks to IRC user ``orkaa`` for the report. * :issue:`242`: Empty string values in task CLI args now parse correctly. Thanks to Aaron Levy for the catch + patch. Documentation updates ===================== * :issue:`239`: Fixed typo in execution usage docs. Thanks to Pradeep Gowda and Turicas for the catch.