======================== Changes in version 0.9.5 ======================== The following changes were implemented in Fabric 0.9.5: Feature additions ================= * N/A Bugfixes ======== * :issue:`37`: Internal refactoring of a Paramiko call from ``_transport`` to ``get_transport()``. * :issue:`258`: Modify subprocess call on Windows platforms to avoid space/quote problems in `~fabric.operations.local`. Thanks to Henrik Heimbuerger and Raymond Cote for catch + suggested fixes. * :issue:`261`: Fix bug in `~fabric.contrib.files.comment` which truncated regexen ending with ``$``. Thanks to Antti Kaihola for the catch. * :issue:`264`: Fix edge case in `~fabric.operations.reboot` by gracefully clearing connection cache. Thanks to Jason Gerry for the report & troubleshooting. * :issue:`268`: Allow for ``@`` symbols in usernames, which is valid on some systems. Fabric's host-string parser now splits username and hostname at the last ``@`` found instead of the first. Thanks to Thadeus Burgess for the report. * :issue:`287`: Fix bug in password prompt causing occasional tracebacks. Thanks to Antti Kaihola for the catch and Rick Harding for testing the proposed solution. * :issue:`288`: Use temporary files to work around the lack of a ``-i`` flag in OpenBSD and NetBSD `~fabric.contrib.files.sed`. Thanks to Morgan Lefieux for catch + patches. * :issue:`305`: Strip whitespace from hostnames to help prevent user error. Thanks to Michael Bravo for the report and Rick Harding for the patch. * :issue:`316`: Use of `~fabric.context_managers.settings` with key names not previously set in ``env`` no longer raises KeyErrors. Whoops. Thanks to Adam Ernst for the catch. Documentation updates ===================== * :issue:`228`: Added description of the PyCrypto + pip + Python 2.5 problem to the documentation and removed the Python 2.5 check from ``setup.py``. * :issue:`291`: Updated the PyPM-related install docs re: recent changes in PyPM and its download URLs. Thanks to Sridhar Ratnakumar for the patch.